Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Well, I'm back.

It was a good week off. Due to traveling, I may be taking another one soon, but we'll deal with that when it comes along. For now, I'm actually going to cover three posts in one! I know, sounds crazy. You'll understand when you see them.


I actually have nothing to say about the first one. It's just a link to some advice. (Post covered in two sentences. New record?)

Second one: There's not a whole lot to say about this one either. It's another personal one. There is one important note that people (mostly Lalaith and Threnody, but I'm guessing others, too) can't seem to get straight though. I did not create this blog to debunk theirs; my blog is not about them at all. I created my blog to address from a Biblical perspective the ISSUES that they brought up. I understand how this could be confusing, considering that their blog is so much about their personal journeys and experiences. But mine is NOT about that.

This is not my journey, my diary, or my experiences. I did not start this blog for the purpose of agreeing or disagreeing with them. I started it because after reading a few month's worth of their posts, it seemed quite obvious that the Bible, Christianity, and God were being very misrepresented. Being a Christian, I love all of those and wanted to make sure that there was another option out there for blog-readers. Very few things that I've written have been about them or directed at them. What I write is directed to the public at large, not to specific people. This was an issue with another post of mine, something of a rant that I wrote, that multiple people took as being directed at them. To be as clear as I can, unless I address you specifically, I am not talking to YOU or about YOU. I am speaking to a general audience.

Third one: And we end again with a personal one. There are things I agree with, things I'm not sure about, and things that I disagree with; but all in all, there's very little to say. The only truly important point from my view is that Threnody is perfectly right about love being a choice. Love is an emotion, yes. But love is not only emotional; it's a matter of the will and of the mental processes as well. You do choose who you "fall in love" with. You do have a say. Because love is not ONLY a feeling; love is action.

John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Christ's love was not just a feeling; it was a choice. He chose to leave Heaven, to put aside His glory, to become human, and then to suffer Calvary for us. I John 4:19 "We love Him because He first loved us."


  1. The definition of debunk (dictionary.com) is as follows: "to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated: to debunk advertising slogans."
    Whether you are focusing on the authors or what they write about, you are,by definition, attempting to debunk. You're by-line says this, "A friend of mine that I've known for years has decided that she no longer wants any part of Christianity and has started a blog with another lady with the goal of debunking Christianity. I have created this blog as a response to that." Your "What This is All About" page says essentially the same thing.
    You created this blog because we created ours. You write to expose our writing as false. You are debunking our blog.
    It's not an insult or jab, it's a fact.

  2. But to say that I am writing to debunk your BLOG would mean that I am writing to debunk everything about your blog - which I'm not. This is a response, not an argument. Yes, I created mine because you created yours - that doesn't tell you anything about WHY. I didn't take it as a jab or an insult; it's just not true. My blog is not about proving your blog wrong. It's about RESPONDING to your blog. Sometimes, yes, I will argue. Sometimes I agree. Sometimes I do both in the same post.

    I don't know how to be clearer. By the definition that you just posted, this cannot possibly be about debunking your blog if I'm occasionally agreeing with your blog. It's just not what the word means.
