Monday, March 26, 2012

Long One: Part One

There is SO much here. For your reading convenience, I've broken it up into two posts.

Let's just start with the beginning - the part about the Titanic. Threnody makes one rather large error that throws the entire thing off. If God sunk the Titanic - which, ultimately, yes He did, but humanly speaking, I would imagine we could say that the captain of the Titanic sunk it by ramming a giant iceberg - then He did not do it ONLY because of the ship-builders and their pride and NO ONE on board was innocent. So, the illusion that God would be unjust to sink a ship Just Because the people who make it were proud doesn't hold up. God doesn't ever do anything for just one reason - unless you're going to say He does everything for the one ultimate reason that is For His Glory.

So, first off - God doesn't kill innocent people. No one is innocent. If He chooses to use the punishment of some people to punish other people at the same time, what is that to us? We all deserve the punishment.

Now, the whole paragraph about how God put man in his awful state of sinfulness. . . . God did create man with the ability to fall. But why? Because if man couldn't fall, man wasn't free to begin with. God doesn't want worship from robots. God wants the worship and love of PEOPLE - people have a will. Why do we have a will? Because we're created in the image of God and God has a will. So if God hadn't given Adam and Eve the choice, they wouldn't have been people.

What God didn't do is MAKE Adam sin. He did not MAKE them fall. Oh, He planned it - but He didn't make them choose that. They chose it.

God did not arbitrarily make up rules and say, "This is sin; this isn't sin." We have a number of statements in the Bible about God's character. God is perfect - therefore, anything that is not in line with God's character must, by nature of it, go AGAINST God's character and that is what defines sin. For instance, God is truth. Therefore, lying is sin. Why? Because He just decided that He didn't like it? No. Because it is an affront to His person. It is saying that He is not perfect, that He is not best, that I don't want to be like Him, that something else is more valuable than He is. That's sin. Anytime we say that something is more valuable than God, we are defaming Him and that is what sin is.

Man is absolutely NOT what he was created to be. Man was created to be in fellowship with God, to be with God and enjoying God. Man was created perfect and he was created to be perfect. And he will be again. That is and has always been the end of Man - perfect fellowship with God.

Rebelling is not going against the norm; rebelling is going against authority. God owns us. He is our authority. Therefore, rebelling is anything that goes against Him.

This seemed like the best place to break off. Click here for Part Two.

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