Monday, March 26, 2012

Long One: Part Two

There is SO much here. For your reading convenience, I've broken it up into two parts.

Check out Part One here.

Threnody then goes on to say that since we can only sin and we cannot do good, God condemning us for it is unjust. If we didn't want to sin and were being made to - then her argument would make sense. But we want to sin. We love our sin. We're not trying to get out of it. It takes divine intervention for us to even SEE it. God didn't make us spiritually dead - we did that to ourselves. God is being holy when He condemns sinners to Hell. Not unjust.

Not only is that wrong, but she's also not taking into account what comes next. We can only do wrong By Ourselves. We cannot do right By Ourselves. But God didn't leave us by ourselves. Why? Because mankind was not created for sin and condemnation. We were created for fellowship with God.

Then there's the part where she basically says that giving birth to something is the same as creating it. Not even close. Because, while her son couldn't exist without her and her husband, her son also couldn't exist without God. She didn't make her son; God made her son. If I write a book, I have ultimate power over that book. It's MINE. I get to decide if it gets made into a movie. I get to decide which stores get to carry it. Why? I own it. I made it. It's mine. God owns us. He made us. But God made EVERYTHING. So God has ultimate power over everything.

But God doesn't want slaves; God wants sons. Ought we to be happy if we are just slaves? Absolutely. Go look at what the queen of Sheba said to Solomon about his servants. They were happy serving him. Why? Because he was so wise and, for a while at least, he was a good king for Israel. And that made his people happy. They benefited from his wealth, his might, his wisdom. How much more would we benefit from Someone infinitely better? Yes, we should be humbled and thrilled to be just slaves for God, to be able to look at Him, to see His magnificence.

But God makes us His kids. We don't have to look from a distance like the servants who stand in the corners of the room waiting for a job from their master. No, He beckons us forward and we get to look right into His face. Imagine seeing your spouse at the airport after a month of being apart and not being able to get to them. When I was dating my husband, we experienced this quite a few times. We would see each other, but we'd have to get through a line of people before we could get to each other. It's just not good enough seeing them from a distance; in fact, it tends to make it worse for those minutes before you can get to them. You miss them MORE once they're so close, but not close enough. You want to embrace them and look in their eyes. You want to hold them and talk to them and hear their voice.

God doesn't want unwilling slaves; God wants cheerful family.

We disagree on the whole AI thing, so I'm not going to bother with it. From Scripture there is no reason for us to believe that Man will ever have the power to create a new race.

Lastly, God never says, "I don't care." God says, "This is what I want. Do it and live. Don't do it and die." God never says He doesn't care. God makes it very clear that He does care. And God says what He expects from us. But if people don't believe that the Bible is from God, then they can pretend that God didn't tell us and therefore, He can't hold us accountable for not knowing.

Well, two issues with that. One, little kids who pretend they didn't hear their parents still get in trouble. And the pretending just adds on the offense. Second, the Bible tells us that Creation itself, the world around us, shows us - if we will just look at it - that there is a God. Creation shows us enough, that were we not rebellious and wicked we would see God. Therefore, whether or not you believe the Bible - even if it weren't God's Word, though it is - you're still condemned. Because you've experienced God's grace every day of your life in being allowed to live on the world that He created.

Were you happy for even a second today? Did the sun shine? Did rain water the earth? Did the wind blow? Did you experience good health? Did you partake in medicines for your ailments? Did someone say something nice to you? Did you eat something yummy? Did you have food to eat? Did you have clean water? That's all from God. Every good thing - little or big - that happened today all around the world, EVERY good gift is only and always from God. And He sends His rain on the just and the unjust. God is not only JUST; God is love and He shows it to EVERYONE. And so many either spit on Him or ignore Him. And then they wonder why He sends them to Hell?

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