Monday, June 25, 2012

Skip and a Hop

It's a poem - you should know how I feel about those. On the one hand, yes, faith is something that everyone has in common. On the other hand, I don't think I could claim that it is our strongest link. It certainly is not our most unifying, since there's a lot of faith that is misplaced. No, I think our strongest link is the fact that we are all created in the image of God; we have souls. That's just my opinion.

And now we hop over to Bubbles. (I like bubbles, by the way; they're fun, if sticky. But that's a different kind of bubble.) This isn't so much a religious post, so I'm just going to give my two cents on it.

Once and again, I read Lalaith's posts and I just get. . . irked. Not at her. And at the same time, I feel sad. I grew up under some similar teachings, things like rock music being evil. It irks me because Christians ought to know better. They OUGHT to be able to see beyond what they grew up hearing; they OUGHT to be able to say, "This isn't in the Bible; it doesn't matter how many pastors have said it; it doesn't matter if my parents believe it; I'm going to believe what's in the BIBLE." We claim to live by that one Book - God's Word - and then we go and add stuff to it that is nowhere to be found in it. It's sad and irksome. We all know that we're supposed to be like the Berean Christians - the ones who took what they heard and compared it with Scripture. But we've gotten lazy. And if a few people say it and it sounds good, if it sounds pious, well then it MUST be in there, right? No.

In order to know what you believe, you have to be able to hold it up to other things. Which means you have to know about other things. I don't think all bubbles are bad. I think small children should be in bubbles that limit the swearing that they hear. But you can't keep that bubble forever. If you do, they'll never hold a normal job. They wouldn't be able to live in the apartment complex that I currently life in. Bubbles are useful, but they have to be grown out of. Lalaith is perfectly right that you cannot live indefinitely in bubble without growing ill. You also don't take the newborn calf and hitch it to the plow. You stick it in a field with its mother until it grows.

Bubbles have uses; they're not meant to last indefinitely.


  1. "We all know that we're supposed to be like the Borean Christians - the ones who took what they heard and compared it with Scripture. But we've gotten lazy. And if a few people say it and it sounds good, if it sounds pious, well then it MUST be in there, right? No."

    I must say, I like that a lot. I might also point out that not only do our modern-day Christian friends NOT search out what truly is or isn't in Scripture...they tend to look down on those who do. (And then they like to quote things about "making your brother stumble" to justify trying to force anyone who doesn't agree to live as they do, but that's a discussion for another time.) I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was most certainly among those Christians. Most of my family still is. I was an outcast long before I left Christianity because I dared to question things.

  2. Also, "Borean" is half of a zone name in WoW; you were probably searching for the word "Berean Christian" which references those Christians in the city of Berea. :)

    1. lol Yeah. . . . Oops. Maybe I'll go fix that. . . .
