Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Opinion Post

I'm doing something different for this one; I'm going to write about my opinion on something. Specifically, my opinion on feminists and leadership.

Here's a link to the interview that sparked my post.

I had to laugh because the way this lady defines feminism is not anything CLOSE to any other definition I've heard of. By her definition, pretty much everyone I know is a feminist. But I don't know anyone who would refer to me or my circle as feminists; and I highly doubt that anyone in the circle would call themselves a feminist.

Why? Because, in my opinion, feminism is about leadership, and being required to be subordinate to something/someone irks them. What they miss though, is that following something does not make you less dignified or less respectable. In fact, EVERYONE follows SOMETHING. MOST people follow another person. Dianna Anderson defined them like this: "feminists believe that women are human beings and deserve to be treated with the same dignity and respect as men do." But I have to wonder if that's what she really meant, due to some things she says later.

It would be disrespectful for me to shout at my mother; it is not disrespectful for me to shout at my aging friend who is hard of hearing. Respect and dignity are not found in specific positions/actions of life, but rather in fulfilling the roles that God made for us. God made men, not women, the head of the home. This does not mean that women can't drive the car if the man is there; it doesn't mean that the woman can't earn more; it doesn't mean that she has to stay home and take care of the kids. The Bible says very nearly the same amount on men raising children as it does on women raising children -  BOTH parents are supposed to be involved with the rearing of the children, just like they were with the making of the children.

None of that is bound to leadership. Leading is the last word in making decisions; leading is being the one to set the tone in a discussion; leading is being able to say "STOP" when things get out of hand. Leading is also listening and weighing options. The President doesn't have the time or the know-how to possibly figure out everything that he needs to before making huge decisions. The man would be forever studying if he had to do it all himself. He has TONS of advisers; and could probably have as many as he wanted. . . . If you ever watched the West Wing, you get a sense for how much the leader is really reliant on his help.

There are laid-back leaders and detailed leaders. My husband is very much laid-back; he gives me a lot of space. It's also a HUGE priority to him that we are on the same page about things and we talk about things a lot. Why? Because he respects me. He wants to know my opinion on things and he wants us to BOTH be happy with the direction we are going. That's leading. Good leaders know how to motivate, how to compromise, how to get to the bottom of issues, and how to bring about resolve. Or, at least, it's their job to do their best at bringing those things about. Men who are tyrannical in leading their homes are failing at their job and they often have no respect from those around them. If they have anything, it's usually fear.

Back to feminism. If feminism is really about equal treatment and NOT about equal roles, I have no problem with it. But if feminism is about equal roles, it's wrong and it will not be good for anyone - not men, not children, and especially not women. Because anyone who leaves the role God made for them or refuses to fulfill it will never have respect or dignity.

Since God never said anything about women in the work place, I, currently, have no problem with female bosses. Since God has commented on women leading the nation, women preaching/leading the church, and women taking the leadership of the home (when there is a man there) - those I take issue with on differing levels.

One last side note. The one reason I've wondered if I'm not more feminist than a lot of feminists is that when people call me, "Woman!" I get a warm, happy feeling. I don't think it has ever failed to make me smile. I do wonder, occasionally, how many strong-willed, activist, feminist women are actually HAPPY with the title of "woman." And if they all liked it, why is it that so many people still respond to that as a slight? If people meant is as a bad thing, don't you think they'd stop using it that way if all the women started responding to it like it was the greatest compliment that could be given them? Being a woman.

Just a thought.

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